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The inaugural Cambridge Tech Week (CTW23) is nearly here, with a display of the best of Cambridge in key technologies that have global impact.  Entitled ‘Finding the Future’, CTW23 will bring knowledge, insight and experience together to fuel innovation and foster connections to change how we do things.   

Here’s what to expect…

CTW23 Has 3 Main Components:

CORE: The 3-day conference with content programming at the heart, with an on-site exhibition at Hinxton Hall and The Big Tech Debate at Cambridge Union Debating Chamber.

CONNECT: A programme to host international delegates with a curated experience introducing delegates who are interested in collaborating with, investing in or relocating their business to the Cambridge area.

CONVERSATIONS: An eclectic range of ‘fringe’ events organised by individuals, groups and organisations for a particular theme and interest group. 

With an impressive line-up of speakers and sessions, CTW23 is attracting the best of the tech ecosystem, including speakers such as Monty Barlow, CEO Cambridge Consultants, Maria Axtente,  PWC, Howard Watson, BT Group, and Patrick Pichette, Inovia. 

Exploring Critical Tech Themes:

There has been considerable media coverage recently about some of the key topics at the CORE Conference where Cambridge has a right to speak: the UK Semiconductor strategy, the implications of Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Technologies, Wireless and Smart Cities. The Conference will feature expert speakers and panellists in all these areas.

As Monty Barlow, CEO, Cambridge Consultants and CTW23 speaker puts it: “Technologies such as synthetic biology, AI and quantum computation – and the combination of these – give us a profound opportunity to address some of the toughest, most urgent and essential challenges that society faces today. And these are all areas that the Cambridge ecosystem leads the world. Cambridge Tech Week gives us the perfect platform to join with partners from across the globe, to seize this opportunity together. To accelerate the impact of this innovation. To radically improve the future.“

Celebrating Entrepreneurship & Innovation:

Alongside the key tech themes being covered at CTW23, conference threads will include Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Diversity in the Tech Sector, the Future of Work and Sustainability. 

In particular, the CORE programme shines a spotlight on early-stage companies with the Innovation Alley showcase and Award, which includes exciting early-stage and start-up companies who will demonstrate their cutting-edge innovations in areas such as ML, AI, automation and sustainable tech.

Leaders of innovative companies that have moved to scale up their businesses will reveal the challenges and twist and turns as they led business growth in the inspirational quick fire presentations of Future Technologies and fire side chats of Innovation Journeys.

The Big Tech Debate:

The Big Tech Debate takes place on 11th May, hosted by broadcaster Krishnan Guru-Murthy and Mike Butcher of Techcrunch. The audience will be treated to a combination of interactive ‘question time’ panels and debating motions on impact of technology on society including Artificial Intelligence and the Metaverse.

Fringe Benefits:

In addition to the main conference, across Cambridge the tech community is reaching out to foster CONVERSATIONS on a range of topics associated with technology and its impact on business, the economy, education, society and more.  To highlight a few from the 20+ events, topics range from Blockchain and automation; skills development and the take up of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) subjects, to bootcamps in coding jobs for those considering a career in software development.

These fringe events are featured on the CTW23 official website, but organised by individuals, networks and organisations around topics of specific interest.

A Global Audience:

CONNECT is our international programme of events put together by Harriet Fear from Cambridge&, which will welcome delegates from all over the world.  Including two key events tailored to attracting global businesses to Cambridge, it includes an evening International Networking Reception (Weds 10th May) and a bespoke International Day (12th May).

As CTW23 Ambassador, Russ Shaw, Global Tech Advocates observes “from a global perspective, CTW23 makes a unique contribution to the UK and global tech ecosystem.  Its research base, track record of ground-breaking innovation and its rich and diverse ecosystem make Cambridge an ideal collaboration partner.”

Companies supporting Cambridge Tech Week include: Cambridge Consultants, Cambridge Enterprise, PwC, Bruntwood, CODICO, Kigen, Virginia Beach Economic Development, Crayfish, Darktrace, Anglia Ruskin University, HSBC, Bailey Fisher, Appleyard Lees, St Johns Innovation Centre, Santander, Electro Rent, Rohde & Schwarz, Futureworx and Keltie.