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Scale-Up Day £192.00 GBP  

  • The Practicalities of Scaling-Up
     September 12, 2024
     9:30 am - 7:30 pm
     The Cambridge Union

Live Recording: Cambridge Tech Podcast


Join a live recording of the Cambridge Tech Podcast – an authoritative podcast dedicated to all things Cambridge Tech and established as the definitive tech talk show for the region’s exciting innovation ecosystem.

Hosted by the Managing Director of Cambridge’s premier tech hub, The Bradfield Centre, James Parton, and tech PR agency cofinitive Founder, Faye Holland, the podcast interviews high-profile guests, inspires lively debate, and shares exclusive news.

Many start-ups begin with a bang and quick growth but only a few are able to scale-up successfully into an established giant. Indeed statistics show that less than 50% make it from Seed to Series A funding. The Scale-Up Institute, the not-for-profit focused on making the UK the best place in the world to scale up a business and will share the core areas of focus that will help you make lasting impact.

Join us to also hear from seasoned investors and tech growth leaders as they share hard earned experiences and insights.  – the steps, the pivots, the opportunities and the ‘made it’ moments – with leaders who have been there and done it.

10:00-10:15 Keynote: The Scale-Up Scene from the Scale-Up Institute
10:15-10:30 Fireside Chat: From Acorn to Amadeus – secrets to scaling with Hermann Hauser CBE
10:30-11:15 Panel: Accessing the market in the UK and internationally
11:15-11:45 Refreshment Break
11:45-12:15 Fireside Chat: Closing the skills gap for scale-ups
12:15-12:30 Closing Keynote: Infrastructure & Support – where to find it

Speakers and chairs include:

Deep Dive Workshops for Scale-Ups

Interested in how to best financially manage your next stage of growth? Take your new product to market? Cut through the noise and gain share of voice in the media?

The afternoon agenda will be full of workshops to learn and get advice from field experts.  Click the links to find out more details about the workshops.

Workshop Schedule
2:00 – 3:00 pm – Scaling Globally: International Expansion and Equity Funding from HSBC
3:00 – 4:00 pm – Scale-ups:  the challenges, opportunities and strategies that define their journey from Mills & Reeve
4:00 – 5:00 pm – Maximising Grant Funding from MPA

Gala Drinks Reception

Wrap up the day by toasting the penultimate night of Cambridge Tech Week at a Gala Drinks Reception. Celebrate the innovations discussed during the week, network with industry peers and forge new collaborations and connections over drinks and light bites on the river.